who caught in the middle of life. Powered by Blogger.

Why everything seems to hard to get through

Hug my sadness
Wipe my hopeless
Shine me with your love
Because I'm to weak to stand to all this alone,
Give me your strength,,
And i will don't need anything else

I reall don't know what to say,
That break up all of the spirit,believeness and confident

i think 2010 will be the new life for me,,
tapi kenyataan tak seindah harapan,haha
aq berharap smw ada perbaikan
karena aq ngerasa semua dah rusak di tahun kedua q kemaren
study, relationship, and the religiousness,. Awal tahun ke 3 sudah dibuka dengan sangat baik, Nilai blok 3.1, yang notabene blok killer dan bahkan aq sangat ga yakin ma bahan dan ujiannya.. Ternyata malah dapet hasil yang di luar dugaan,, i got perfect score "A",,aq gabisa gambarin perasaanq waktu itu seneng bgt,,aq liat nilai itu muncul di daftar nilaiq terakhir adalah tepat setaun yang lalu,,Akhirnya aq bisa liat nilai itu lagi,,ga ada yang bisa aq ungkapin waktu itu selain Alhamdulillah ya Allah!! ternyata engkau beri kesempatan lagi..

and time goes.
masuk ke blok 3.2
Chest complaint. Honestly, i really enjoying this blok.Dan aq ngerasa rajin banget waktu di blok ini..Bahkan pas ujian aq ngerasa bisa.. Aq mang dah niat habis2an di blok ini,,biar aq liburan tenang dan g usah mikirin remediasi.. tapi kenyataan ga seindah harapan..I just get "B", and B in mya faculty means that you need to take your make up..
I've got reallly dissappointed,,
Make up again, means study again in holiday
and it cut my holiday..means lo aq cm bisa pulang 1 minggu,,
i've got tired of all this

Why everything seems to hard to get through..

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