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Quand il vous parti souvent, est-ce que ca veut dire??

Hai,fellas..!! I try to post my title's post in france,haha..maybe one day, I might have to make whole post in france (hopefully >.<)..my france course is going so well !! The teacher is great! Tapi aq bnyk ketinggalan lo dbndngkan temen2 yg lain.. Yeah, cz guru 2 tingkt seblumny ngebuat aq mandek n ga brkmbang,.huhu

Judul postq 'ketika sesuatu itu sering datang kepadamu,apa yg ingin dkatakanny?"

Sesuatu dsini adalah 'mimpi'. Perasaan q,ga enk akhr2 ini..karena sdh 2 kali.,aq dpt mimpi yg GA ENAK! Which this dream, pernah jg dtng k aq bebrapa taun lalu,smpe 3 kali..
Artinya aq udah mimpi hal ini 5 kali..aq bukn org yg sering mimpi hal2 yg meaning..mimpiq pasti ga pentng..cuma skadar bunga tidur,.ketaktan,.atw harapan di dunia nyata. Tapi ini sampe 5 kali! Apa ini hal ga pentng lain yg kbwa mimpi, atw bener2 ada yg ingin dkatakan dr mimpi ini?? God,i really don't understand!

Berharap bisa ketemu ahli nujum..(berasa hdup d jaman nabi yusuf),adakahh?

Udah ya,ngeblog pake hape ni,pegel jg! Moga jempol ane g tambh gede,hehe :-):-)

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Quand il vous parti souvent, est-ce que ca veut dire??

Hai,fellas..!! I try to post my title's post in france,haha..maybe one day, I might have to make whole post in france (hopefully >.<)..my france course is going so well !! The teacher is great! Tapi aq bnyk ketinggalan lo dbndngkan temen2 yg lain.. Yeah, cz guru 2 tingkt seblumny ngebuat aq mandek n ga brkmbang,.huhu

Judul postq 'ketika sesuatu itu sering datang kepadamu,apa yg ingin dkatakanny?"

Sesuatu dsini adalah 'mimpi'. Perasaan q,ga enk akhr2 ini..karena sdh 2 kali.,aq dpt mimpi yg GA ENAK! Which this dream, pernah jg dtng k aq bebrapa taun lalu,smpe 3 kali..
Artinya aq udah mimpi hal ini 5 kali..aq bukn org yg sering mimpi hal2 yg meaning..mimpiq pasti ga pentng..cuma skadar bunga tidur,.ketaktan,.atw harapan di dunia nyata. Tapi ini sampe 5 kali! Apa ini hal ga pentng lain yg kbwa mimpi, atw bener2 ada yg ingin dkatakan dr mimpi ini?? God,i really don't understand!

Berharap bisa ketemu ahli nujum..(berasa hdup d jaman nabi yusuf),adakahh?

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My internet connection is really drives me crazy, it went so slow..
i don't know, but it just happen when there is a new building house in the west of my boarding house..ArggHH!!
but that's not what i'm gonna write about..
hate to say this,but i think i'm gonna write about another personal things,.Yeah! when i label it with 'widyautonomy' it will come out with another private stuff!! hahaha

Why is it so hard to get someone that you really want! Someone that you thought is the right one for you, someone that you think you could share your life with..

I talk about a 'crush'..have you ever crushed on someone?
yeah, it happen few times for me..
(change to Indonesia)

naksir cowok, lawan jenis,, wajar lah!!
but beberapa berakhir suramm..hahaha namanya juga hidup kadang pahit kadang manis,,
suram karena ada yang bertepuk sebelah tangan lah atau belakangan ternyata what i See is not really what i see..get my point?
terkadang apa yang kita liat ga mencerminkan apa yang seharusnya bener2 kita lihat,
biasanya (berdasarkan pengalaman)" i got a crush on someone that is really hard to get". Hard dalam arti bukannya orang itu super dueper kaya atau super dueper  guantengg atau super dueper pinterr!! Tapi orang itu is 'out of my area'. He has a very different world of mine. Has different activity. Has beyond my imaginary of a man should be.
and it happens again now..

Like it always be, aq ga pernah ambil pusing. When you've got crush into someone is different with when you fall in love with someone. Ketika naksir, kamu bisa aja suka tanpa harus berinteraksi banyak dengan orang itu. Cukup ngeliat dari jauh aja is enough for cheer  you up :)..but when you fall in love, you know that person, you talk much, comfort being beside him,can stop thinking of him all day long,  then you fall in love..:)

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